Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Smarmy Bigot Refuses to Apologize

Gay activists and allies confronted Pennsylvania Senator John Eichelberger in Harrisburg yesterday. Remember him? He's the same-sex marriage foe who claimed gay Pennsylvanians like us aren't being punished by inequality, because the Commonwealth is "allowing them to exist." Oh, so our legal standing is non-existent, but we should shut up about that because at least we're not, I don't know...being stoned in the streets? Gee, thanks, Senator. "We're not trying to exterminate you, so pipe down, gays!" This is like the post-Bush GOP's version of compassionate conservatism: let the gays live. They get no rights and no protections, but at least we won't openly advocate killing them, like some people. I guess when your starting place is a point of near-absolute hatred, this is progress.

Armed with a petition demanding he apologize for those and other remarks he made earlier this month, members of Keystone Equality waited two hours for an exchange with the Senator that lasted about a minute. They caught it all on video, so check it out:

Good work, Keystone Equality! Thanks for keeping the heat (and the spotlight) on this bigot!

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