Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Save Giovanni's Room!

Like many independent bookstores these days, Giovanni's Room is facing hard times. Serving Philly's queer community for 36 years, it's now the oldest gay bookstore in America. Two older stores, the Oscar Wilde Bookstore in New York, and West Hollywood's A Different Light, both went under earlier this year.

For many, their first connection with the gay community, or even their first contact with factual information about being gay, came from visiting stores like these. They're an important part of our history, and Giovanni's Room has been an active and vital part of Philly's Gayborhood, too. The store hosts authors and other events at their 12th and Pine location, bought in 1979 after being ousted from a previous rental by a homophobic landlord who wouldn't even set foot in the store. The converted rowhome is now a landmark in the Gayborhood. In addition to furthering gay literature, journalism and history, it serves as the requisite clearinghouse for gay trinkets and sundries like keychains, magnets and bumperstickers. You can't have a proper gayborhood without a place to buy same-sex greeting cards. Do you know how hard it is to find a non-hetero-centric anniversary card? Alex and Andy do.

In today's world of online and big box retailers, times are tough enough for little brick-and-mortar operations like Giovanni's Room. In fact, it's that very brick and mortar that's causing their latest misfortune. The exterior wall facing 12th Street has become structurally unsound, and needs to be rebuilt, costing $50,000. The repairs are set to begin next month, but the store needs help -- and lots of it -- if it's going to survive.

What can you do? For starters, you can shop there; Giovanni's Room will stay open during the renovation, or you can order from their website. Donations are also being accepted. Contact Ed Hermance at Giovanni's Room, 345 South 12th St., Philadelphia, PA 19107215, or call (215) 923-2960. And spread the word: tell your friends to help save Giovanni's Room!

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