Thursday, May 28, 2009

Typos Make The Baby Jesus Weep!

As we pointed out yesterday, you can always tell when a group hates the gays by their website; if it makes your eyes bleed while viewing it, you can bet they couldn't enlist a talented 'mo or 'mo-friendly web designer to work for them. It's true! A lot of us are artsy types, and even straight artsy types are generally friendly to us and our causes. Just look at any Republican Congresswoman's hair if you don't believe us. Don't tick off the gays! You straight people depend on us for all the fabulosity in your lives!

But we have to wonder if there isn't another theory to explain this: STEALTH GAYS! Yes, they're sabotaging the hate movement from within! How else to explain this ridiculous graphic error Good As You found in NOM's (you know, the people behind this laughingstock) new commercial:

But wait! It gets better. This is actually the 2nd version of the ad! The first version also had this typo:

I mean, we could understand how the icky-poo mental image of two men entering into a life-long commitment of love and affection might cause a 'mophobe to stutter a bit over the "same" in "same-sex marriage", but they couldn't even get "marriage" right? They go on and on about how sacred it is but they can't even spell-check it?

Good work, stealth gays!

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